480™ Prism® Toughened Instant Adhesive, 20 g, Tube, Black


Product Description

Uniquely formulated for applications where impact, vibration and peel forces are experienced. Provides side impact resistance far exceeding the performance of common instant adhesives. Chemical, humidity and thermal resistant. Excellent shear strength.


Application Temp. Range [Max] 180 °F
Application Temp. Range [Min] -65 °F
FullCureTimeTemp 24 h @ +180 °F
Temp. Range [Max] 180 °F
Temp. Range [Min] -65 °F
Adhesive Tensile Shear 3800 psi
Applicable Materials Brass; Bronze; Copper; Iron; Nickel; Soft Steel
Applications Industrial
Capacity Vol. [Nom] 20 g
Capacity Wt. [Nom] 20 g
Chemical Compound Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
Color Black
Curing Method Faster Cure
Fixture Time 90 sec
Gap Fill [Nom] 0.006 in
Language English
Packing Type Tube
Resistance Chemical; Humidity; Thermal
SKU Group Auto-Id 400811
Specific Gravity [Nom] 1.1
Type Adhesive
Usage Bonding; Gap Filling
Viscosity [Max] 200 cP
ViscosityTempNom 200 cP
Working Time [Nom] 90 sec.
Wt. 0.09 lb
AdhesiveTensileShear 3800 psi
ApplicableMaterials Brass; Bronze; Copper; Iron; Nickel; Soft Steel
Applications Industrial
ApplicationTempRangeMax 180 °F
ApplicationTempRangeMin -65 °F
CapacityVolNom 20 g
CapacityWtNom 20 g
ChemicalCompound Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
Color Black
CuringMethod Faster Cure
FixtureTime 90 sec
FullCureTimeTemp 24 h @ +180 °F
GapFillNom 0.006 in
Language English
PackingType Tube
Resistance Chemical; Humidity; Thermal
SKUGroupAuto-ID 400811
SpecificGravityNom 1.1
TempRangeMax 180 °F
TempRangeMin -65 °F
Type Adhesive
Usage Bonding; Gap Filling
ViscosityMax 200 cP
ViscosityTempNom 200 cP
WorkingTimeNom 90 sec.
Wt 0.09 lb

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