Centering Head, DSL, 1 in and Larger Pip Capacity, #7 Jumbo


Product Description

Aids in setting of center lines, establishing angles and marks for butt-ins, location points inside pipes and tanks, laying out keyways, and measuring declivity. The Y-type head is fitted with an adjustable dial bubble protractor (DSL). Use a tapping hammer to operate the hardened centering pin.


Head Type Y-Type
Head Width [Nom] 8 in
Pipe Cap. [Max] Larger
Pipe Cap. [Min] 1 in
SKU Group Auto-Id 181333
Type #7 Jumbo Centering Head; DSL
HeadType Y-Type
HeadWidthNom 8 in
PipeCapMax Larger
PipeCapMin 1 in
SKUGroupAuto-ID 181333
Type #7 Jumbo Centering Head; DSL

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