587™ Blue High Performance RTV Silicone Gasket Maker, 70 mL Tube


Product Description

One part, formed-in-place, RTV silicone. Forms tough, flexible gaskets directly on the flange. Recommended for sealing all types of flanges, including stamped sheet metal.


FixCureTimeTemp 30 min @ 77° F
FullCureTimeTemp 24 h @ 77° F
Series 587™
Temp. Range [Max] 500° F
Temp. Range [Min] -75° F
Applicable Materials Most Metals
Applications Sealing
Capacity Vol. [Nom] 70 mL
Chemical Compound Silicone
Color Blue
Curing Method Anaerobic
Gap Fill [Nom] 1/4 in
Odor/Scent Mild
Packing Type Tube
Physical Form Paste or Gel
Resistance Most Chemicals; Solvents
SKU Group Auto-Id 217937
Specific Gravity [Nom] 1.31
VOC 3.33%; 43.09 g/L
Wt. .75 lb
ApplicableMaterials Most Metals
Applications Sealing
CapacityVolNom 70 mL
ChemicalCompound Silicone
Color Blue
CuringMethod Anaerobic
FixCureTimeTemp 30 min @ 77° F
FullCureTimeTemp 24 h @ 77° F
GapFillNom 1/4 in
OdorScent Mild
PackingType Tube
PhysicalForm Paste or Gel
Resistance Most Chemicals; Solvents
Series 587™
SKUGroupAuto-ID 217937
SpecificGravityNom 1.31
TempRangeMax 500° F
TempRangeMin -75° F
VOC 3.33%; 43.09 g/L
Wt .75 lb

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